Jesus in my SUV

Jesus in my SUV

My childhood Sundays were spent with my parents and sisters attending 10:00 Mass at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church followed by a visit with my paternal grandparents, Mom and Pa-pop. Every Sunday we celebrated the Lord’s day by visiting Jesus first and the grands after. I took these moments for granted at the time, but I am sure that Mom and Pa-pop looked forward to those 11am visits every Sunday!

Mom was my last living grandparent. She died when I was in my twenties, married with children. I am now blessed with grandchildren and my Sunday visits are with my parents who live about 30 minutes away. I visit them with my husband of 39 years and also with Jesus.

My mother is home bound these days with my Dad serving as her caretaker. Both of my parents faithfully watch the daily Catholic Mass on television. A couple of years ago, my mom asked if I could bring her the Eucharist when we visit; she longed to receive the real presence of Christ. For a few years now, I have been honored to serve Jesus as a Eucharistic minister and I was able to obtain permission to retrieve the Blessed Sacrament from my parent’s church.

My husband and I drive our SUV over to St. Joseph Church in Loreauville every Sunday. As my husband waits in the car, I enter the Church, approach the tabernacle and bow in reverence of my Lord. Two Holy Hosts are placed in my Eucharistic Pyx. The Pyx is an enclosure to safely carry the consecrated Eucharist, made of precious metal. It is to be carried close to your heart while transporting it.

When I return to the SUV, my husband holds his hand out to hold Jesus while I climb inside. He has made sure the radio is off and once I am inside, he hands Jesus back over to me. We quietly ride to my parents home either in silence or in prayer, always mindful that we are riding along with Jesus.

More than once, I have arrived at my parent’s home during their daily viewing of the Mass right at the time of Holy Communion. As soon as I arrive, Mom is sure to ask, “Do you have Jesus with you?”. When I acknowledge that I do, her face lights up and she slowly makes her way over to light a candle. She talks lovingly to Jesus and usually thanks Him for coming into her home. It is so beautiful to watch and experience!

My parents have taught me many lessons in my life. I know the value of Sunday Mass and visits with family. I know that Jesus is truly present, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. I am learning to never take receiving Jesus for granted. I must receive His Grace in a state of grace. I must always be grateful for the gift of His Holy Body and Blood.

I look forward to those Sunday drives with my husband. I know that Jesus looks forward to my visits and visiting my parents. I think He even likes riding in my SUV!

C’est Bon!



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